Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - client__Slash__server

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

client__Slash__server 145 9 23 84 18 57 49 71 20 22 41 8 61 48 5 5
PROGRESS_database 9 42 0 3 0 1 3 42 0 4 0 0 28 13 0 0
Crystal_Report 23 0 2766 1630 28 1179 627 681 352 185 260 41 720 714 0 16
SQL 84 3 1630 30011 292 16512 5157 9802 1765 1486 1847 336 7436 6059 227 315
Kwai_Tsing_Area 18 0 28 292 2011 120 157 245 43 82 21 5 367 192 1 46
Microsoft_SQL 57 1 1179 16512 120 16512 3524 5414 1121 752 1088 135 4260 2911 150 197
Microsoft__Dot_NET 49 3 627 5157 157 3524 13020 3640 745 654 726 170 3741 4046 58 79
database 71 42 681 9802 245 5414 3640 29998 891 1198 1593 391 7254 6380 373 237
Visual_Basic 20 0 352 1765 43 1121 745 891 3571 206 234 73 976 898 28 12
xml 22 4 185 1486 82 752 654 1198 206 4342 356 42 1347 1243 7 98
Kwun_Tong 41 0 260 1847 21 1088 726 1593 234 356 12955 38 1689 1680 32 41
PowerBuilder 8 0 41 336 5 135 170 391 73 42 38 817 409 276 3 2
Testing 61 28 720 7436 367 4260 3741 7254 976 1347 1689 409 30576 6161 71 192
Java 48 13 714 6059 192 2911 4046 6380 898 1243 1680 276 6161 25056 143 116
clustering 5 0 0 227 1 150 58 373 28 7 32 3 71 143 774 0
EDI 5 0 16 315 46 197 79 237 12 98 41 2 192 116 0 1014

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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