Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - database

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

database 29998 3909 9802 4469 5414 20586 4806 2554 6380 7254 3640 2151 839 274 5774 1799
Oracle_Database 3909 3909 1065 1257 546 2919 1012 255 1066 1164 536 528 130 120 861 282
SQL 9802 1065 30011 2370 16512 19985 2883 1948 6059 7436 5157 1822 558 150 6948 1713
UNIX 4469 1257 2370 12352 1039 8460 3914 601 3149 2559 1354 1148 561 96 2238 654
Microsoft_SQL 5414 546 16512 1039 16512 10981 1539 1218 2911 4260 3524 823 292 56 4163 848
Degree 20586 2919 19985 8460 10981 105752 10995 4340 16987 21492 9661 5489 1443 253 17918 4695
Linux 4806 1012 2883 3914 1539 10995 17032 1777 3151 3274 1312 821 383 115 2866 407
MySQL 2554 255 1948 601 1218 4340 1777 7200 1886 1619 431 379 138 60 1240 189
Java 6380 1066 6059 3149 2911 16987 3151 1886 25056 6161 4046 3664 601 54 4989 1162
Testing 7254 1164 7436 2559 4260 21492 3274 1619 6161 30576 3741 2105 565 106 8047 1361
Microsoft__Dot_NET 3640 536 5157 1354 3524 9661 1312 431 4046 3741 13020 1317 213 13 2791 655
J2EE 2151 528 1822 1148 823 5489 821 379 3664 2105 1317 7038 355 14 1507 324
DB2 839 130 558 561 292 1443 383 138 601 565 213 355 1875 80 471 213
OCP 274 120 150 96 56 253 115 60 54 106 13 14 80 316 31 5
Documentation 5774 861 6948 2238 4163 17918 2866 1240 4989 8047 2791 1507 471 31 25235 1298
BI 1799 282 1713 654 848 4695 407 189 1162 1361 655 324 213 5 1298 5819

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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