Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - in_Hyphen_house

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

in_Hyphen_house 7717 436 1381 915 2046 589 325 103 1547 3236 339 174 4872 132 254 1663
Part_Time 436 2399 119 57 293 215 15 94 313 857 27 9 1231 2 25 435
Microsoft_SQL 1381 119 16512 1878 16512 1544 1179 93 4163 6627 683 406 10981 197 409 4260
ERP 915 57 1878 9766 2797 449 408 28 1987 2957 334 155 6861 141 563 2369
SQL 2046 293 16512 2797 30011 2201 1630 160 6948 11647 1004 567 19985 315 664 7436
Visual_C_Sharp_ 589 215 1544 449 2201 5445 295 29 1185 2012 185 101 3746 84 110 1606
Crystal_Report 325 15 1179 408 1630 295 2766 0 641 1348 219 92 1735 16 86 720
Aberdeen 103 94 93 28 160 29 0 484 63 181 1 11 335 0 9 91
Documentation 1547 313 4163 1987 6948 1185 641 63 25235 8607 1151 338 17918 244 511 8047
Higher_Diploma 3236 857 6627 2957 11647 2012 1348 181 8607 62542 612 584 27511 185 1037 10368
SDLC 339 27 683 334 1004 185 219 1 1151 612 3546 45 2912 14 34 1359
Excel_Macro 174 9 406 155 567 101 92 11 338 584 45 1524 992 13 56 466
Degree 4872 1231 10981 6861 19985 3746 1735 335 17918 27511 2912 992 105752 846 1473 21492
EDI 132 2 197 141 315 84 16 0 244 185 14 13 846 1014 3 192
POS 254 25 409 563 664 110 86 9 511 1037 34 56 1473 3 2681 439
Testing 1663 435 4260 2369 7436 1606 720 91 8047 10368 1359 466 21492 192 439 30576

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

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Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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