Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - jrun

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

jrun 55 8 8 15 23 16 8 31 23 9 23 28 30 10 7 26
JSF 8 266 8 8 0 144 12 70 60 2 14 89 104 9 8 40
socket_programming 8 8 402 57 1 1 11 137 23 0 42 171 65 47 19 114
Solaris 15 8 57 1776 117 2 15 733 965 29 117 329 665 95 46 268
Firewall 23 0 1 117 4333 10 13 1126 415 53 461 382 635 11 13 728
SDLC 16 144 1 2 10 3546 60 437 502 58 683 1158 979 166 72 1004
JSP 8 12 11 15 13 60 1105 224 124 10 130 604 257 100 62 257
Linux 31 70 137 733 1126 437 224 17032 3914 226 1539 3151 4806 486 645 2883
UNIX 23 60 23 965 415 502 124 3914 12352 85 1039 3149 4469 404 227 2370
Lai_Chi_Kok 9 2 0 29 53 58 10 226 85 2261 246 226 296 37 8 379
Microsoft_SQL 23 14 42 117 461 683 130 1539 1039 246 16512 2911 5414 752 407 16512
Java 28 89 171 329 382 1158 604 3151 3149 226 2911 25056 6380 1243 740 6059
database 30 104 65 665 635 979 257 4806 4469 296 5414 6380 29998 1198 703 9802
xml 10 9 47 95 11 166 100 486 404 37 752 1243 1198 4342 229 1486
Debugging 7 8 19 46 13 72 62 645 227 8 407 740 703 229 2718 738
SQL 26 40 114 268 728 1004 257 2883 2370 379 16512 6059 9802 1486 738 30011

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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