Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - mobile_application

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

mobile_application 7717 2143 2235 870 450 146 308 1127 892 163 817 96 138 716 739 390
android 2143 6737 4781 1247 407 112 185 584 630 58 742 110 137 603 524 324
iOS 2235 4781 7445 1404 413 103 166 593 696 109 816 80 155 641 580 344
Objective_Hyphen_C 870 1247 1404 2159 99 106 72 299 206 43 264 11 59 185 171 74
HTML5 450 407 413 99 1408 10 43 237 204 36 229 25 30 309 463 251
SQLite 146 112 103 106 10 192 0 15 12 0 74 12 0 28 6 5
Tai_Po_Area 308 185 166 72 43 0 916 17 77 1 9 0 0 103 69 44
web_application 1127 584 593 299 237 15 17 9624 604 90 1012 29 38 621 1073 531
Multimedia 892 630 696 206 204 12 77 604 6916 27 678 14 59 1831 898 312
json 163 58 109 43 36 0 1 90 27 410 59 1 0 74 98 15
PHP 817 742 816 264 229 74 9 1012 678 59 6370 24 109 792 1005 598
winphone 96 110 80 11 25 12 0 29 14 1 24 164 0 15 1 1
Social_Network_Open_API 138 137 155 59 30 0 0 38 59 0 109 0 327 37 53 27
Flash 716 603 641 185 309 28 103 621 1831 74 792 15 37 5594 991 436
JavaScript 739 524 580 171 463 6 69 1073 898 98 1005 1 53 991 6061 613
Jquery 390 324 344 74 251 5 44 531 312 15 598 1 27 436 613 2382

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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