Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - testing_plan

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

testing_plan 242 242 68 72 9 9 32 9 84 36 18 30 17 9 29 72
Testing 242 30576 1498 2369 105 97 1874 122 8047 1663 474 1393 514 192 1774 7254
SAP 68 1498 6877 1555 1 12 202 5 1494 376 106 215 92 100 316 1279
ERP 72 2369 1555 9766 1 22 234 5 1987 915 100 305 51 141 476 1795
OpenGL 9 105 1 1 366 16 0 12 63 2 7 11 4 0 29 9
Ngau_Tau_Kok_ 9 97 12 22 16 386 4 11 82 35 0 20 0 0 2 24
UAT 32 1874 202 234 0 4 4548 2 1307 243 70 345 34 19 324 853
Xcode 9 122 5 5 12 11 2 501 90 28 2 21 10 0 3 38
Documentation 84 8047 1494 1987 63 82 1307 90 25235 1547 449 1205 240 244 995 5774
in_Hyphen_house 36 1663 376 915 2 35 243 28 1547 7717 127 304 44 132 416 1445
Eastern_Area 18 474 106 100 7 0 70 2 449 127 2840 212 24 2 51 489
ecommerce 30 1393 215 305 11 20 345 21 1205 304 212 7166 28 407 1404 1315
TV 17 514 92 51 4 0 34 10 240 44 24 28 2890 0 228 484
EDI 9 192 100 141 0 0 19 0 244 132 2 407 0 1014 404 237
Overseas 29 1774 316 476 29 2 324 3 995 416 51 1404 228 404 7871 1191
database 72 7254 1279 1795 9 24 853 38 5774 1445 489 1315 484 237 1191 29998

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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