Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - web_application

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

web_application 9624 863 1073 2599 420 1012 1611 1127 459 531 2835 264 1036 898 289 718
Ajax 863 3440 614 912 195 443 683 465 152 613 912 107 448 374 116 471
JavaScript 1073 614 6061 1169 129 1005 650 739 155 613 1561 119 938 668 89 1334
Java 2599 912 1169 25056 713 1439 4046 1816 986 430 6059 85 1886 1156 523 939
Tomcat 420 195 129 713 1513 106 169 130 169 50 447 1 396 53 136 97
PHP 1012 443 1005 1439 106 6370 469 817 105 598 1444 311 2020 469 39 887
Microsoft__Dot_NET 1611 683 650 4046 169 469 13020 689 372 212 5157 62 431 1570 80 477
mobile_application 1127 465 739 1816 130 817 689 7717 184 390 1326 68 753 311 55 516
Hibernate 459 152 155 986 169 105 372 184 1842 27 267 1 163 42 307 82
Jquery 531 613 613 430 50 598 212 390 27 2382 499 83 408 212 42 500
SQL 2835 912 1561 6059 447 1444 5157 1326 267 499 30011 108 1948 2755 271 932
LAMP 264 107 119 85 1 311 62 68 1 83 108 772 235 29 0 161
MySQL 1036 448 938 1886 396 2020 431 753 163 408 1948 235 7200 416 126 711
ASP 898 374 668 1156 53 469 1570 311 42 212 2755 29 416 5801 25 278
Struts 289 116 89 523 136 39 80 55 307 42 271 0 126 25 914 64
CSS 718 471 1334 939 97 887 477 516 82 500 932 161 711 278 64 4292

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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Amazon web Services   Cloudera   Lively Impact Open Data Hong Kong IVE IT Discipline

supported by AWS in Education Grant award