Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - web_design

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

web_design 2808 1173 1048 282 371 545 275 462 456 528 478 202 65 214 43 1560
Multimedia 1173 6916 1831 446 564 862 601 492 904 678 898 236 90 312 18 3851
Flash 1048 1831 5594 334 567 790 1069 793 725 792 991 278 39 436 19 2688
Illustrator 282 446 334 1184 393 174 87 199 169 110 181 36 6 84 13 560
Photoshop 371 564 567 393 1990 283 162 229 271 192 253 93 30 94 1 937
CSS 545 862 790 174 283 4292 366 719 1167 887 1334 220 45 500 15 2041
ActionScript 275 601 1069 87 162 366 1590 221 207 264 412 79 1 135 15 905
Search_Engine_Optimization 462 492 793 199 229 719 221 4942 702 777 773 347 14 433 25 1879
HTML 456 904 725 169 271 1167 207 702 4859 806 1200 233 38 365 34 2263
PHP 528 678 792 110 192 887 264 777 806 6370 1005 435 18 598 62 2777
JavaScript 478 898 991 181 253 1334 412 773 1200 1005 6061 246 31 613 39 2752
CMS 202 236 278 36 93 220 79 347 233 435 246 1351 10 115 29 515
video_production 65 90 39 6 30 45 1 14 38 18 31 10 270 6 0 199
Jquery 214 312 436 84 94 500 135 433 365 598 613 115 6 2382 48 1036
Facebook_App 43 18 19 13 1 15 15 25 34 62 39 29 0 48 134 101
Higher_Diploma 1560 3851 2688 560 937 2041 905 1879 2263 2777 2752 515 199 1036 101 62542

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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Amazon web Services   Cloudera   Lively Impact Open Data Hong Kong IVE IT Discipline

supported by AWS in Education Grant award