Social Network Graph Analysis for keyword - xSeries

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Terms Matrix for Top 10 Positive Correlated Keyword

Dowload Results

xSeries 7 5 4 3 3 3 1 7 5 3 2 2 1 1 7 3
SAN 5 4537 839 133 133 176 3 1009 1021 450 326 214 387 99 3196 774
VMware 4 839 4005 110 110 223 29 967 1223 766 410 124 164 55 2667 709
Websphere 3 133 110 3045 3045 199 15 941 411 187 183 64 422 293 2381 660
WebSphere_WAS 3 133 110 3045 3045 199 15 941 411 187 183 64 422 293 2381 660
Oracle_Database 3 176 223 199 199 3909 10 3909 1012 156 201 157 190 112 2919 861
GIS 1 3 29 15 15 10 545 177 77 28 40 4 2 26 349 118
database 7 1009 967 941 941 3909 177 29998 4806 1454 1537 1445 704 1096 20586 5774
Linux 5 1021 1223 411 411 1012 77 4806 17032 1358 1114 662 622 232 10995 2866
Windows_Server 3 450 766 187 187 156 28 1454 1358 7314 369 249 161 92 3646 1155
Data_Center 2 326 410 183 183 201 40 1537 1114 369 5798 96 235 65 3355 839
in_Hyphen_house 2 214 124 64 64 157 4 1445 662 249 96 7717 36 169 4872 1547
AIX 1 387 164 422 422 190 2 704 622 161 235 36 2429 117 1679 533
RDBMS 1 99 55 293 293 112 26 1096 232 92 65 169 117 3192 2555 644
Degree 7 3196 2667 2381 2381 2919 349 20586 10995 3646 3355 4872 1679 2555 105752 17918
Documentation 3 774 709 660 660 861 118 5774 2866 1155 839 1547 533 644 17918 25235

Word Cloud

2D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

3D Network

The size of node represents the occurrence frequency of the keyword, and the link size or color represents the co-occurrence of the keyword pair.

Drag it to rotate, and scroll mouse wheel to zoom!

Created by Mr. Cyrus Wong, Data Scientist.
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